Allow filters on non-visible fields
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Sam Dickie
generally available
You can now choose which fields will show as inline filters. And yes, you can even select those that aren't in your list view.
Andrew Miller
Sam Dickie: THANK YOU!! We appreciate your work! :)

Sam Dickie
in progress
Andrew Miller
Same here on this feature. There are many times we'd love to be able to filter by fields that we don't want visible on the main records page. This would be a fantastic addition.
Mark Sorenson
100% on this. Without this feature, it forces us to have bloated records that contain fields the user doesn't need to see explicitly.
Jane Middlehurst
We'd like to second this. We have a lot of inline filters in our set up in all types of display and at the moment there's too much information showing to make it practical to view records. I understand this could be resolved with some custom CSS but as we're just starting out the PRO subscription price is a barrier to us getting started.