
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Table field names are now the entire width of the column. Field names are no longer cut off in the columns when you have a long field name.
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Manage Users with Table Groups

We have improved how we handle managing users in your apps. Add multiple groups of users using your existing data. Choose one table or multiple tables of users from your data to grant access to your apps and assign roles to entire groups. You can use multiple tables or lists of users from your data.
  • Set up roles from your Table groups.
  • Use multiple tables of users from your data.
  • Add single users and assign them to a user role or admin role.
Users will only have access to the apps you add their groups to.
Edit the table group, by giving the group a name, selecting the table and assigning a role. Optional, you can set a filter to use a subset of your data.
Add new users or select existing customers in your data to assign roles individually.
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Learn more about this feature here.
Choose between quick and advanced filters on your list layouts. Quick filters are used to be a fast option to filter layouts. While your advanced options allow users to change the operators for more precise filtering.
Advanced filters:
  • Allow users to choose which fields they filter by or choose the filter displayed for the user.
  • Users can change operators in advanced filters.
Advanced Filters
Quick Filters
  • Quick option for filtering data that does not have operators.
  • Show all filters or choose which filters are displayed to the user.
quick filters
Learn more about this feature here.
It is now possible to share data across apps! Create and host your data in Stacker tables and share those tables across apps and portals in your workspace.
  • Shared tables can be edited where they are shared
  • Tables can have varying permissions
  • Data is communicated back to the original table from shared tables
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New Table Layout

Our Table Layouts have a modern new look and new capabilities!
  • Display buttons in two ways: in the drop down or by hovering over a record.
  • Choose the drop down menu to update records from the table layout.
  • Full width horizontally scrollable tables.
  • Dramatically faster performance even for many thousands of records.
  • Mobile support for table layouts.
  • Show a calculation of a field above the table.
For example, use the average option to show the average revenue made in total events hosted.
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Use the display type
Count unique values
to only rollup unique values from a specific field.
Example of using a Rollup of a Unique value
  • Count how many different contacts from a client have attended your networking events by counting uniquely the contact field on the event attendee table
  • Determine how many different customers each sales person has had meetings with by counting uniquely the customer field on the meeting table
You can now see a collaboration indicator on list layouts. This shows how many items are in the collaboration feed from the list layout without needing to click into the record view. Hover over any record to see the collaboration indicator.
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You can now filter the records shown in a lookup field. Setup your lookup field to pull information from linked tables, then choose a data filter to limit what records appear in your lookup fields.
For example, display only the Events that have a status of Done on your Company table.
You can now set data filters on rollup fields to limit what values are in the rollup. Choose a filter to decide what records are counted, summed, averaged, etc. on the rollup field.
Examples of filter rollup use cases:
  • Sum up the value of only the Leads in Stage Closed won
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  • Calculate the average Revenue for leads in a particular year
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  • Count how many accounts are over $15k revenue
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Your related record widgets have a new modern upgrade. The size of the list will adjust based on the records in the widget. This means when no records are showing, the widget is not larger than it should be.
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