


New Notifications Inbox

The notifications inbox has been completed refreshed to include read/unread and the ability to archive notifications.
  • Unread notifications
    - the total number of unread notifications shows as a badge on the bell icon in the Workspace Sidebar. Each individual unread notification shows with a purple dot.
  • Mark as read
    - individual notifications can be marked as read, or all notifications can be marked as read using the button at the top of the inbox.
  • Reply inline
    - new responses to the notifications you receive can be added inline in the notifications inbox without navigating to the actual record.
  • Desktop notifications
    - you can receive your Stacker notifications on your desktop by accepting to receive notifications when you first enter the workspace.
  • Archive notifications
    - notifications which you have read and don't need anymore can be archived. There notifications now only appear in the archive tab from where they can be unarchived if you want to bring them back.
New Notification Inbox
: there are no email notifications sent out at this time, notifications only appear within the Stacker Notifications Inbox or via Desktop Notifications.